Daktarin (miconazole) 2% oral gel 40g


For fungal & associated bacterial infections of the mouth & throat including oral thrush.

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Oral treatment of fungal infections of the oropharynx and gastrointestinal tract.
Miconazole gel is for use in adults, children and infants 4 months and older.

Daktarin 20 mg/g Oral Gel 40g is used in the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections in the mouth and throat. The gel can also be used to treat bacterial and fungal infections in the throat and mouth. The presence of miconazole destroys the fungus and bacteria.

Is it safe to swallow daktarin gel?
The gel should not be swallowed immediately, but kept in the mouth as long as possible. Adults and children 2 years of age and older: 2.5 mL (1/2 measuring spoon) of gel, applied four times a day after meals. The gel should not be swallowed immediately, but kept in the mouth as long as possible.
How long should you keep daktarin in your mouth for?
️ You should keep using Daktarin oral gel for seven days after the symptoms have cleared up. This will make sure the infection is fully treated and thus help prevent it coming back.


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