About PharmacyDirect Kenya
PharmacyDirect Kenya is the premier internet pharmacy for Kenya. It is revolutionising the way Kenyans access their medicines by providing high quality generic and branded products at affordable prices. Because in Kenya people travel vast distances to shop for medicines, we are providing an option for delivery to a point local to the patient.
This pharmacydirectkenya website is owned by Pharmacy Direct Kenya Ltd, a company incorporated in Kenya. Pharmacy dispensing services are provided by Malibu Pharmacy Ltd, from registered premises in Nairobi, Kenya. All pharmaceutical services are intended for Kenyan residents only. If you need any information or have a complaint about this website or any of our services please contact us by one of the following methods:
Customer Services: +254 794966692/ +254 768916475
Postal Mail
P.O.BOX 14793-00400, Nairobi, Kenya.
Professional standards.
The pharmacydirectkenya service is run by qualified pharmacists and operates from pharmacy premises registered by The Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Kenya.
Rafiki Business Park, Off Outer-Ring Road
We provide services from a registered pharmacy under the supervision of a pharmacist.
Our prime concern is the welfare of the patient. Pharmacy Direct Kenya aims to set very high and stringent standards in the way our products are sourced, dispensed and where applicable, delivered. We will be working closely with the Pharmacy and Poisons Board of Kenya to develop industry standards that can be emulated by others not just in Kenya but around the world.
Batch details of all products we supply are stored in a backed up electronic database so that if there is a product recall, we can easily identify the affected products.
All prescriptions for prescription only medicines (POM) can only be completed once a valid prescription is received by Pharmacy Direct Kenya. Furthermore, prescriptions for controlled drugs cannot be supplied online and can only be dispensed to a named person at the Pharmacy in Nairobi.
We will refuse to make supply of any products that we feel is not in the patient’s best interest; requests for large quantities of prescription-only medicines will be verified with the prescriber.
At Pharmacy Direct Kenya we are fully convinced that quality drugs can be the norm for Kenyans, and without the often- associated premium. And there is always an experienced pharmacist on call to provide advice!