Polar Frost is specially formulated to provide soothing relief for soft tissue injuries, stress injuries, muscle tension, inflammation and stiffness. The included Aloe Vera has an anti-inflammatory effect and it keeps the skin smooth and moist throughout treatment.
How does it work?
Polarfrost pain relieving cold gel provides moderate long acting reduction (5-6 C) of the skin temperature, for 2-4 hours, without risks of counter reactions or frostbites. It offers a possibility to use features and benefits of cold as long as needed. Massage a thin layer of Polar Frost Cold Gel into the painful area. Repeat application every three hours for 3-5 days, as needed. Polar Frost absorbs fast and works quickly.
Indications, when to use
Polar Frost cold gel can be used by muscular disorders and injuries like: strains, sprains and ruptures, stressed muscles and tension, chronic neck-, shoulder and low back pains and aches, work and occupation related muscular disorders, cramps and spasms, bruises, lumbago and ischias. Joints: Arthritis related inflammations and pains, arthroses, bursitis, golfers wrist. Tendons and ligaments: tendonitis, tennis elbow.
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