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Author Archives: Marvin Mwangi


Health Benefits of Sunlife Effervescent Multivitamin. If you’re tired of swallowing multivitamin tablets and wondering whether or not they’re even doing any good, the effervescent multivitamin by Sunlife provides some of the best health benefits around. Supplement diet – Let’s …

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Cardiovascular disease

Treatment of hypertension has been shown to prevent cardiovascular diseases and to extend and enhance life
Hypertension is already a highly prevalent cardiovascular risk factor worldwide because of increasing longevity and prevalence of contributing factors such as obesity

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Pharmacy Direct Kenya
PharmacyDirect Kenya is the premier internet pharmacy for Kenya. It is revolutionising the way Kenyans access their medicines by providing high quality generic and branded products at affordable prices. Because in Kenya people travel vast distances to shop for medicines, we are providing an option for delivery to a point local to the patient.